What is Thank You Campaign?

Good of you to ask.

It has been a name for many of my Things over the years. A band of brothers, so to speak, a long time ago. Then, a moniker for various political activisms and essays. Now it describes a process: I commit to (about) weekly essays on creative living and trying to be nice and making music and writing about writing about writing. Maybe it’s a blog, even. It certainly has replaced the old automatic writing.

The project began as a way to morph my “news and shows” emails into something that would maybe give more than they took. I am less interested in using this as a promotional tool than in making it something that you might benefit from reading. I want it to be generous. Like we are walking, side-by-side on a trail and there is a beautiful sunset and I see it first, maybe, and spontaneously share it with you. “Look!” And point. That is what this is, a look and a point.

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Music-maker, writing to find out what I believe, and sharing that practice and process as an offering. Maybe you relate? Maybe it might make your day better?


He/him. I make and perform music, write here and elsewhere, and teach.